The war torn country of Bosnia forced maturity upon me at a young age. The revolution was not something I fully comprehended at the time but my family soon made the decision to move to the United States. Leaving everything and everyone I knew behind became the most difficult challenge I ever had to face. But, I could not have been happier.
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I am a mom, fitness mentor, model, student, and motivator of all things healthy. Coming from a small town in rural Upstate New York, the last thing I could have ever imagined would be where I am now. I have overcome countless fears, obstacles, and successes during the past five years of my so called, fitness journey.
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While I am a firm believer that success is based largely on personal enterprise, I have never discounted the importance of a positive support group. I am fortunate to possess intelligence, health, and a good sense of humor. Beyond that, I have been blessed with family and friends who are always there for me with love and support.
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What make me move forward is the desire for always want more! The fitness world for me is a lifestyle, not something that happens right away but step by step.
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I’ve been physically building muscle since the age of 12. Motivated by a man named Stanley Tookie Williams III from South Central Los Angeles. I was the hyper – bird chest- shirtless- big head with a small neck kid running EVERYWHERE !!!
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I am very thankful for the opportunity that Vascular Nutrition has given me, not only be a part of their company and family but to show the world what consistency and hard work with the right supplementation can do to help bring your physique to its best.
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